As a multiple award-winning B2B film producer, Gregor Jasch uses proven methodology to produce corporate and image films with concise brand messages to accelerate order clarification as well as to effectively counteract the shortage of skilled workers. Screenings take place as part of supervised presentations to break the ice and get the conversation going....
By quickly building trust and distinctiveness, international sales costs are reduced and employer branding is effectively supported.
We produce with mixed crews from Vienna and Berlin.
Our B2B image films reduce distribution costs worldwide by up to -15%!
B2B video storytelling for international use
Our B2B image films reduce distribution costs worldwide by up to -15%!
B2B video storytelling for international use
How to benefit from excellent B2B business films
Maximize your B2B success with strategic business films
In our interconnected business world, business films are not a luxury but a necessity for B2B industry leaders. They go far beyond the boundaries of traditional marketing and serve as influential communication tools that not only position the brand globally, but also play a crucial role in optimizing distribution costs and achieving strategic business goals.
Reduce international distribution costs
A professionally produced business film can significantly increase efficiency in international sales. It makes it possible to build trust within minutes and present the brand in an unmistakable way. This reduces the need for numerous preliminary discussions and facilitates the transition to business negotiations. By dispensing with language-specific versions and focusing on visual communication, the film enables a far-reaching market approach, resulting in a more cost-effective use of marketing budgets.
Strengthen your employer branding
In today's highly competitive job market, it is crucial to stand out as an attractive employer. A global business film can significantly improve your employer branding by providing authentic insights into your corporate culture and the career opportunities on offer. It not only appeals to potential new employees, but also strengthens the commitment and satisfaction of your existing workforce. A positive side effect is the influence on the family environment of employees, which can positively support the decision to change jobs.
Secure your technological leadership
For companies in technology-intensive industries, it is essential to demonstrate their innovative strength and technological expertise. A business film provides the ideal stage to effectively present technological advances and technical expertise, claim leadership in your field and strengthen the trust of your customers and business partners.
Speed up approval processes
In the B2B world, lengthy purchasing and approval processes are commonplace. A business film can speed up these processes by quickly and effectively providing decision-makers with the information they need to drive the project forward.
Support your new business development
A business film is a powerful tool in new business development. It emphasizes the uniqueness of your offer, arouses the interest of potential new customers and business partners and thus contributes to strategic business development.
A global business film is more than just a marketing tool; it is a strategic investment that helps B2B industry leaders compete in today's visually-driven business world and ensure long-term success. Through the targeted use of this powerful communication tool, companies can strengthen their international presence, optimize distribution costs, improve their employer branding, strengthen their technological leadership position and effectively generate new business.
Shooting conditions on the set
References B2B industry films
Funktion: Internationales Storytelling mit homogenen Markenbotschaften, Beschleunigung der Auftragsklärung
B2B-Imagefilme zur raschen Auftragsklärung
Funktion: Festigung der Pole-Position als attraktiver Arbeitgeber sowie Einsatz als internationaler Unternehmensfilm
Employer Branding
B2B-Corporate Filme
Funktion: Übernahme der technischen Themenführerschaft im Bereich Rollforming und Profilierung
B2B-CGI Animationen
Funktion: Erklärung des Marktsegments erneuerbare Energie sowie Aufbau der internationaler Markenbekanntheit
B2B-After Effects Filme
Funktion: Produkt-Launch der Eaton xEffect Digital FI-Schalter im modernen Edutainment-Format
B2B-Stop Motion FIlme
My consulting focus
In der Transformation lernen wir, dass alle Möglichkeiten in unserer Hand liegen. Wir entwickeln gemeinsam dazu einen Plan und begleiten dich bei der Umsetzung.
Business & Mindset Strategie
Damit der Einfall über den Zufall bestimmt und nicht umgekehrt, entwickeln wir gemeinsam besonders kreative und effektive Ideen und Strategien für dein Business.
Ideen- & Business Entwicklung
Bekannte Marken sind wie erfolgreiche Menschen, sie machen klar wofür sie stehen und entwickeln in kürzester Zeit Vertrauen und Unverwechselbarkeit.
Positionierung & (Personal-) Branding
Wir entwickeln einen modularen Textbaukasten deiner Markenbotschaften und inszenieren diese für alle Touchpoints auf der Customer Journey.
Storytelling, Film & Inszenierung
Als langjähriger Partner des WIX-Webseiten Builders erstellen wir deine Webseite mit allen nötigen Funktionen wie E-Commerce, Terminbuchungen und vieles mehr.
WIX-Webseiten & Online Marketing